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radius — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.CirclePath2D
radius of the circle (does not factor in any transformations like scaleX/scaleY)
rawContent — Property, class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
The Video object to which the NetStream was attached (automatically created by VideoLoader internally)
rawContent — Property, class com.greensock.loading.core.DisplayObjectLoader
The raw content that was successfully loaded into the content ContentDisplay Sprite which varies depending on the type of loader and whether or not script access was denied while attempting to load the file: ImageLoader with script access granted: flash.display.Bitmap ImageLoader with script access denied: flash.display.Loader SWFLoader with script access granted: flash.display.DisplayObject (the swf's root) SWFLoader with script access denied: flash.display.Loader (the swf's root cannot be accessed because it would generate a security error)
rawContent — Property, class com.greensock.loading.display.ContentDisplay
The raw content which can be a Bitmap, a MovieClip, a Loader, or a Video depending on the type of loader associated with the ContentDisplay.
rawContent — Property, class com.greensock.loading.display.FlexContentDisplay
The raw content which can be a Bitmap, a MovieClip, a Loader, or a Video depending on the type of loader associated with the FlexContentDisplay.
rawHeight — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.RectanglePath2D
height of the rectangle in its unrotated, unscaled state (does not factor in any transformations like scaleX/scaleY/rotation)
RAW_LOAD — Static Property, class com.greensock.loading.XMLLoader
Event type constant for when the XML has loaded but has not been parsed yet.
rawProgress — Property, class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
An unweighted value between 0 and 1 indicating the overall loading progress of the LoaderMax - this calculation does not concern itself whatsoever with bytesLoaded and bytesTotal but rather the ratio of the children that are loaded (all having equal weight).
rawProgress — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
Identical to progress except that the value is not re-interpolated between 0 and 1.
rawProgress — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.PathFollower
Identical to progress except that the value doesn't get re-interpolated between 0 and 1.
rawWidth — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.RectanglePath2D
width of the rectangle in its unrotated, unscaled state (does not factor in any transformations like scaleX/scaleY/rotation)
READY — Constant Static Property, class com.greensock.loading.LoaderStatus
The loader is ready to load and has not completed yet.
RectanglePath2D — class, package com.greensock.motionPaths
[AS3 only] A RectanglePath2D defines a rectangular path on which a PathFollower can be placed, making it simple to tween objects along a rectangle's perimeter.
RectanglePath2D(x:Number, y:Number, rawWidth:Number, rawHeight:Number, centerOrigin:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.greensock.motionPaths.RectanglePath2D
recursivePrependURLs(value:String) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.XMLLoaderVars
A String that should be recursively prepended to all parsed LoaderMax-related loader URLs (from nodes like <ImageLoader>, <XMLLoader>, etc.).
registerFileType(extensions:String, loaderClass:Class) — Static Method , class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
By default, LoaderMax associates certain file extensions with certain types of loaders, like "jpg", "png", and "gif" are associated with ImageLoader and "swf" is associated with SWFLoader so that the LoaderMax.parse() method can recognize and create the appropriate loaders for each URL passed in.
regOffsetX — Property, class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its x-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetX.
regOffsetX — Property, class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its x-axis (according to the SplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetX.
regOffsetY — Property, class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its y-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetY.
regOffsetY — Property, class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its y-axis (according to the SplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetY.
release(target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
Releases control of an attached DisplayObject.
release(target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
Releases a DisplayObject from being controlled by LiquidStage after having been attached.
release(target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.layout.PinPoint
Releases a DisplayObject from being controlled by LiquidStage after having been attached.
remove(value:any) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Removes a tween, timeline, callback, or label (or array of them) from the timeline.
remove(loader:com.greensock.loading.core:LoaderCore) — method, class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Removes a loader from the LoaderMax.
removeAllFollowers() — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
Removes all followers.
removeASCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint:any) — method, class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
Removes an ActionScript cue point that was added with addASCuePoint().
removeCallback(callback:Function, position:any) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Removes a callback.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineMax
(AS3 only) Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.TweenMax
[AS3 only] Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.layout.PinPoint
removeFollower(target:any) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
Removes the target as a follower.
removeLabel(label:String) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Removes a label from the timeline and returns the time of that label.
removePoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.LinePath2D
Removes a particular Point instance from the points array.
removePointByIndex(index:uint) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.LinePath2D
Removes the Point that resides at a particular index/position in the points array.
removeProp(prop:String) — method, class com.greensock.utils.VelocityTracker
Stops tracking a particular property
removeTint(remove:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Removes the tint of a DisplayObject over time.
removeTint(remove:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
Removes the tint of a DisplayObject over time.
RemoveTintPlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins
[AS3/AS2 only] [deprecated in favor of tint:null] Removes the tint of a DisplayObject over time.
render(time:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean, force:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.core.SimpleTimeline
renderObjectAt(target:Object, progress:Number, autoRotate:Boolean, rotationOffset:Number) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.CirclePath2D
Positions any object with x and y properties on the path at a specific progress position.
renderObjectAt(target:Object, progress:Number, autoRotate:Boolean, rotationOffset:Number) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.LinePath2D
Positions any object with x and y properties on the path at a specific progress position.
renderObjectAt(target:Object, progress:Number, autoRotate:Boolean, rotationOffset:Number) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
Positions any object with x and y properties on the path at a specific progress position.
renderObjectAt(target:Object, progress:Number, autoRotate:Boolean, rotationOffset:Number) — method, class com.greensock.motionPaths.RectanglePath2D
Positions any object with x and y properties on the path at a specific progress position.
repeat(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Gets or sets the number of times that the timeline should repeat after its first iteration.
repeat(value:int) — method, class com.greensock.TweenMax
Gets or sets the number of times that the tween should repeat after its first iteration.
repeat(value:int) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
Number of times that the tween should repeat (to repeat indefinitely, use -1).
repeat(value:int) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.MP3LoaderVars
Number of times that the mp3 should repeat.
repeat(value:int) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Number of times that the video should repeat.
REPEAT — Constant Static Property, class com.greensock.events.TweenEvent
repeatCount(value:int) — method, class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
Sets or gets the current repeat count (how many times the video has repeated, as determined by the "repeat" special property that was passed into the constructor).
repeatDelay(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds (or frames for frames-based timelines) between repeats.
repeatDelay(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.TweenMax
Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds (or frames for frames-based tweens) between repeats.
repeatDelay(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
Amount of time in seconds (or frames for frames-based tween) between repeats.
replaceURLText(fromText:String, toText:String, includeNested:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Immediately replaces a certain substring in each child loader's url with another string, making it simple to do something like change "{imageDirectory}image1.jpg" to "http://www.greensock.com/images/image1.jpg".
request — Property, class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderItem
The URLRequest associated with the loader.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.CSSLoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.DataLoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.LoaderMaxVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.MP3LoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.SWFLoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
requireWithRoot(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.XMLLoaderVars
LoaderMax supports subloading, where an object can be factored into a parent's loading progress.
restart(includeDelay:Boolean, suppressEvents:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.core.Animation
Restarts and begins playing forward from the beginning.
resume(from:any, suppressEvents:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.core.Animation
Resumes playing without altering direction (forward or reversed), optionally jumping to a specific time first.
resume() — method, class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Unpauses the loader and resumes loading immediately.
resumeAll(tweens:Boolean, delayedCalls:Boolean, timelines:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.greensock.TweenMax
[deprecated] Resumes all paused tweens and/or delayedCalls/callbacks and/or timelines.
retroMode — Property, class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
When retroMode is true, LiquidStage will revert to (and stay at) the base stage size as it was defined in the constructor (baseWidth and baseHeight) which can be useful when you want to pin objects according to coordinates on the original (unscaled) stage.
reverse(from:any, suppressEvents:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.core.Animation
Reverses playback so that all aspects of the animation are oriented backwards including, for example, a tween's ease.
REVERSE_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class com.greensock.events.TweenEvent
reversed(value:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.core.Animation
Gets or sets the animation's reversed state which indicates whether or not the animation should be played backwards.
reversed(value:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
If true, the tween will be reversed initially.
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class com.greensock.layout.AlignMode
Align with the right side of the area.
RIGHT_CENTER — Property, class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
right center of the stage
rotation — Property, class com.greensock.BlitMask
Rotation of the BlitMask (always 0 because BlitMasks can't be rotated!)
rotation — Property, class com.greensock.FlexBlitMask
Rotation of the FlexBlitMask (always 0 because FlexBlitMasks can't be rotated!)
rotation(value:Number, relative:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Tweens the "rotation" property of the target
rotation(value:Number, relative:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
Tweens the "rotation" property of the target
rotation — Property, class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
rotation(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotation property.
rotation(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.SWFLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotation property.
rotation(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotation property.
rotation — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
rotationOffset — Property, class com.greensock.motionPaths.PathFollower
When autoRotate is true, this value will always be added to the resulting rotation of the target.
rotationX(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationX property.
rotationX(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.SWFLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationX property.
rotationX(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationX property.
rotationY(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationY property.
rotationY(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.SWFLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationY property.
rotationY(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationY property.
rotationZ(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationZ property.
rotationZ(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.SWFLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationZ property.
rotationZ(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Sets the ContentDisplay's rotationZ property.
RoughEase — class, package com.greensock.easing
Most easing equations give a smooth, gradual transition between the start and end values, but RoughEase provides an easy way to get a rough, jagged effect instead, or you can also get an evenly-spaced back-and-forth movement if you prefer.
RoughEase(vars:any, ... rest) — Constructor, class com.greensock.easing.RoughEase
roundProps(propertyNames:Array) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
An array of the names of properties that should be rounded to the nearest integer when tweening.
_roundProps(lookup:Object, value:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.plugins.EndArrayPlugin
_roundProps(lookup:Object, value:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.plugins.EndVectorPlugin
RoundPropsPlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins
If you'd like the inbetween values in a tween to always get rounded to the nearest integer, use the roundProps special property.
runBackwards(value:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
When true, the tween will flip the start and end values which is exactly what TweenLite.from() does.
runBackwards(value:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
When true, the tween will flip the start and end values which is exactly what TweenMax.from() does.
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