Classpublic class PathFollower
InheritancePathFollower Inheritance Object

[AS3 only] A PathFollower is used to associate a particular target object (like a MovieClip, Point, Sprite, etc.) with a MotionPath and it offers a tweenable progress property that manages positioning the target on the path accordingly. The progress property is a value between 0 and 1 where 0 is at the beginning of the path, 0.5 is in the middle, and 1 is at the end. When the follower's autoRotate property is true, the target will be rotated in relation to the path that it is following.
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.motionPaths.*;
//create a circle motion path at coordinates x:150, y:150 with a radius of 100
var circle:CirclePath2D = new CirclePath2D(150, 150, 100);
//make the MovieClip "mc" follow the circle and start at a position of 90 degrees (this returns a PathFollower instance)
var follower:PathFollower = circle.addFollower(mc, circle.angleToProgress(90), true);
//tween the follower clockwise along the path to 315 degrees, 2, {progress:circle.followerTween(follower, 315, Direction.CLOCKWISE)});
//tween the follower counter-clockwise to 200 degrees and add an extra revolution, 2, {progress:circle.followerTween(follower, 200, Direction.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 1)});


Copyright 2010-2013, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  autoRotate : Boolean
When autoRotate is true, the follower will automatically be rotated so that it is oriented to the angle of the path that it is following.
  path : MotionPath
The MotionPath instance that this PathFollower should follow
  progress : Number
A value between 0 and 1 that indicates the follower's position along the motion path.
  rawProgress : Number
Identical to progress except that the value doesn't get re-interpolated between 0 and 1.
  rotationOffset : Number
When autoRotate is true, this value will always be added to the resulting rotation of the target.
  target : Object
The target object associated with the PathFollower (like a Sprite, MovieClip, Point, etc.).
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
PathFollower(target:Object, autoRotate:Boolean = false, rotationOffset:Number = 0)
Property Detail
public var autoRotate:Boolean

When autoRotate is true, the follower will automatically be rotated so that it is oriented to the angle of the path that it is following. To offset this value (like to always add 90 degrees for example), use the rotationOffset property.

public var path:MotionPath

The MotionPath instance that this PathFollower should follow


A value between 0 and 1 that indicates the follower's position along the motion path. For example, to place the object on the path at the halfway point, you would set its progress to 0.5. You can tween to values that are greater than 1 or less than 0 but the values are simply wrapped. So, for example, setting progress to 1.2 is the same as setting it to 0.2 and -0.2 is the same as 0.8. If your goal is to tween the PathFollower around a CirclePath2D twice completely, you could just add 2 to the progress value or use a relative value in the tween, like:, 5, {progress:"2"}); //or myFollower.progress + 2

progress is identical to rawProgress except that rawProgress does not get re-interpolated between 0 and 1. For example, if rawProgress is set to -3.4, progress would be 0.6. rawProgress can be useful if you need to find out how many times the PathFollower has wrapped.

Also note that if you set progress to any value outside of the 0-1 range, rawProgress will be set to that exact value. If progress is set to a value within the typical 0-1 range, it will only affect the decimal value of rawProgress. For example, if rawProgress is 3.4 and then you set progress to 0.1, rawProgress will end up at 3.1 (notice the "3" integer was kept). But if progress was instead set to 5.1, since it exceeds the 0-1 range, rawProgress would become 5.1. This behavior was adopted in order to deal most effectively with wrapping situations. For example, if rawProgress was tweened to 3.4 and then later you wanted to fine-tune where things were positioned by tweening progress to 0.8, it still may be important to be able to determine how many loops/wraps occurred, so rawProgress should be 3.8, not reset to 0.8. Feel free to use rawProgress exclusively if you prefer to avoid any of the re-interpolation that occurs with progress.

    public function get progress():Number
    public function set progress(value:Number):void

See also


Identical to progress except that the value doesn't get re-interpolated between 0 and 1. rawProgress (and progress) indicates the follower's position along the motion path. For example, to place the object on the path at the halfway point, you could set its rawProgress to 0.5. You can tween to values that are greater than 1 or less than 0. For example, setting rawProgress to 1.2 also sets progress to 0.2 and setting rawProgress to -0.2 is the same as setting progress to 0.8. If your goal is to tween the PathFollower around a CirclePath2D twice completely, you could just add 2 to the rawProgress value or use a relative value in the tween, like:, 5, {rawProgress:"2"}); //or myFollower.rawProgress + 2

Since rawProgress doesn't re-interpolate values to always fitting between 0 and 1, it can be useful if you need to find out how many times the PathFollower has wrapped.

    public function get rawProgress():Number
    public function set rawProgress(value:Number):void

See also

public var rotationOffset:Number

When autoRotate is true, this value will always be added to the resulting rotation of the target.

public var target:Object

The target object associated with the PathFollower (like a Sprite, MovieClip, Point, etc.). The object must have x and y properties.

Constructor Detail
public function PathFollower(target:Object, autoRotate:Boolean = false, rotationOffset:Number = 0)


target:Object — The target object associated with the PathFollower (like a Sprite, MovieClip, Point, etc.). The object must have x and y properties.
autoRotate:Boolean (default = false) — When autoRotate is true, the follower will automatically be rotated so that it is oriented to the angle of the path that it is following. To offset this value (like to always add 90 degrees for example), use the rotationOffset property.
rotationOffset:Number (default = 0) — When autoRotate is true, this value will always be added to the resulting rotation of the target.