Classpublic final class VelocityTracker
InheritanceVelocityTracker Inheritance Object

Allows you to have the velocity of particular properties automatically tracked for you so that you can access them anytime using the VelocityTracker's getVelocity() method, like myTracker.getVelocity("y"). For example, let's say there's an object that the user interacts with by dragging it or maybe it is being tweened and then at some point you want to create a tween based on that velocity. Normally, you'd need to write your own tracking code that records that object's x and y properties (as well as time stamps) so that when it comes time to feed the velocity into whatever other code you need to run, you'd have the necessary data to calculate it. But let's face it: that can be cumbersome to do manually, and that's precisely why VelocityTracker exists.

Use the static VelocityTracker.track() method to start tracking properties. You generally should not use the VelocityTracker's constructor because there needs to only be one VelocityTracker instance associated with any particular object. The track() method will return the instance that you can then use to getVelocity() like:

//first, start tracking "x" and "y":
var tracker:VelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.track(obj, "x,y");
//then, after at least 100ms and 2 "ticks", we can get the velocity of each property:
var vx:Number = tracker.getVelocity("x");
var vy:Number = tracker.getVelocity("y");

What kinds of properties can be tracked?

Pretty much any numeric property of any object can be tracked, including function-based ones. For example, obj.x or obj.rotation or even obj.myCustomProp(). In fact, for getters and setters that start with the word "get" or "set" (like getCustomProp() and setCustomProp()), it will automatically find the matching counterpart method and use the getter appropriately, so you can track the getter or setter and it'll work. You cannot, however, track custom plugin-related values like "directionalRotation" or "autoAlpha" or "physics2D" because those aren't real properties of the object. You should instead track the real properties that those plugins affect, like "rotation" or "alpha" or "x" or "y".

This class is used in ThrowPropsPlugin to make it easy to create velocity-based tweens that smoothly transition an object's movement (or rotation or whatever) and glide to a stop.

Note: In order to report accurately, at least 100ms and 2 ticks of the core tweening engine must have been elapsed before you check velocity.

Copyright 2008-2013, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  target : Object
Returns the target object with which the VelocityTracker is associated.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addProp(prop:String, type:String = num):void
Adds a property to track
[static] Returns the VelocityTracker associated with a particular object.
Returns the current velocity of the given property.
isTracking(target:Object, prop:String = null):Boolean
[static] Allows you to discern whether the velocity of a particular target or one of its properties is being tracked (typically initiated using the VelocityTracker.track() method).
Allows you to discern whether the velocity of a particular property is being tracked.
Stops tracking a particular property
track(target:Object, props:String, types:String = num):VelocityTracker
[static] Allows you to have the velocity of particular properties automatically tracked for you so that you can access them anytime using the VelocityTracker's getVelocity() method, like myTracker.getVelocity("y").
untrack(target:Object, props:String = null):void
[static] Stops tracking the velocity of certain properties (or all properties of an object), like ones initiated with the track() method.
Property Detail
public var target:Object

Returns the target object with which the VelocityTracker is associated.

Method Detail
public function addProp(prop:String, type:String = num):void

Adds a property to track


prop:String"rad" for radian-based rotation or "deg" for degree-based rotation - this is only useful to define if the property is rotation-related and you'd like to have VelocityTracker compensate for artificial jumps in the value when the rotational midline is crossed, like when rotation goes from 179 to -178 degrees it would interpret that as a change of 3 instead of 357 degrees. Leave this blank unless you want the rotational compensation.
type:String (default = num)

public static function getByTarget(target:Object):VelocityTracker

Returns the VelocityTracker associated with a particular object. If none exists, null will be returned.


target:Object — The object whose VelocityTracker should be returned

VelocityTracker — the VelocityTracker associated with the object (or null if none exists)
public function getVelocity(prop:String):Number

Returns the current velocity of the given property.


prop:String — Property name (like "x")

Number — The current velocity
public static function isTracking(target:Object, prop:String = null):Boolean

Allows you to discern whether the velocity of a particular target or one of its properties is being tracked (typically initiated using the VelocityTracker.track() method).


target:Object — The target object
prop:String (default = null) — the name of the property to check, like "x" or "y".

Booleantrue if the target/property is being tracked, false if not.

See also

public function isTrackingProp(prop:String):Boolean

Allows you to discern whether the velocity of a particular property is being tracked.


prop:String — the name of the property to check, like "x" or "y".

Booleantrue if the target/property is being tracked, false if not.

See also

public function removeProp(prop:String):void

Stops tracking a particular property


prop:String — the property name to stop tracking

public static function track(target:Object, props:String, types:String = num):VelocityTracker

Allows you to have the velocity of particular properties automatically tracked for you so that you can access them anytime using the VelocityTracker's getVelocity() method, like myTracker.getVelocity("y"). For example, let's say there's an object that the user interacts with by dragging it or maybe it is being tweened and then at some point you want to create a tween that smoothly continues that motion and glides to a rest. Normally, you'd need to write your own tracking code that records that object's x and y properties (as well as time stamps) so that when it comes time to feed the velocity into the tween, you'd have the necessary data to calculate it. But let's face it: that can be cumbersome to do manually, and that's precisely why the track() method exists.

Just feed in the target and a comma-delimited list of properties that you want tracked like this:

var tracker:VelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.track(obj, "x,y");

Then every time the core tweening engine updates (at whatever frame rate you're running), the x and y values (or whichever properties you define) will be recorded along with time stamps (it keeps a maximum of 2 of these values and keeps writing over the previous ones, so don't worry about memory buildup). This even works with properties that are function-based, like getters and setters.

Then, after at least 100ms and 2 "ticks" of the core engine have elapsed (so that some data has been recorded), you can use the VelocityTracker's getVelocity() method to get the current velocity of a particular property.

//first, start tracking "x" and "y":
var tracker:VelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.track(obj, "x,y");
//then, after at least 100ms, we can get the velocity:
var vx:Number = tracker.getVelocity("x");
var vy:Number = tracker.getVelocity("y");

IMPORTANT: you should untrack() properties when you no longer need them tracked in order to maximize performance and ensure things are released for garbage collection. To untrack, simply use the untrack() method:

//stop tracking only the "x" property: 
VelocityTracker.untrack(obj, "x");
//stop tracking "x" and "y":
VelocityTracker.untrack(obj, "x,y");
//stop tracking all properties of obj:

What kinds of properties can be tracked?

Pretty much any numeric property of any object can be tracked, including function-based ones. For example, obj.x or obj.rotation or even obj.myCustomProp(). In fact, for getters and setters that start with the word "get" or "set" (like getCustomProp() and setCustomProp()), it will automatically find the matching counterpart method and use the getter appropriately, so you can track the getter or setter and it'll work. You cannot, however, track custom plugin-related values like "directionalRotation" or "autoAlpha" or "physics2D" because those aren't real properties of the object. You should instead track the real properties that those plugins affect, like "rotation" or "alpha" or "x" or "y".


target:Object — the target object whose properties will be tracked
props:String — a comma-delimited list of property names, like "y" or "x,y"
types:String (default = num) — a comma-delimited list of property types (only helpful if they are rotation-based), "rad" for radian-based rotation or "deg" for degree-based rotation - this is only useful you'd like to have VelocityTracker compensate for artificial jumps in rotational values when the rotational midline is crossed, like when rotation goes from 179 to -178 degrees it would interpret that as a change of 3 instead of 357 degrees. Leave this blank unless you want the rotational compensation. You can use "num" to indicate normal numeric behavior (or leave it blank).

VelocityTracker — a VelocityTracker object that's responsible for doing the tracking.

See also

public static function untrack(target:Object, props:String = null):void

Stops tracking the velocity of certain properties (or all properties of an object), like ones initiated with the track() method.

//starts tracking "x" and "y":
var tracker:VelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.track(obj, "x,y");
//stops tracking only the "x" property: 
VelocityTracker.untrack(obj, "x");
//stops tracking "x" and "y":
VelocityTracker.untrack(obj, "x,y");
//stops tracking all properties of obj:
//or you can use the removeProp() method directly on the VelocityTracker instance to remove one at a time:


target:Object — the target object whose properties should stop being tracked
props:String (default = null) — a comma-delimited list of properties to stop tracking. If null, ALL properties of the target will stop being tracked.

See also