Classpublic class RoundPropsPlugin
InheritanceRoundPropsPlugin Inheritance TweenPlugin Inheritance Object

If you'd like the inbetween values in a tween to always get rounded to the nearest integer, use the roundProps special property. Just pass in a comma-delimited String containing the property names that you'd like rounded. For example, if you're tweening the x, y, and alpha properties of mc and you want to round the x and y values (not alpha) every time the tween is rendered, you'd do:, 2, {x:300, y:200, alpha:0.5, roundProps:"x,y"});


import com.greensock.TweenMax; 
import com.greensock.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin;
TweenPlugin.activate([RoundPropsPlugin]); //activation is permanent in the SWF, so this line only needs to be run once., 2, {x:300, y:200, alpha:0.5, roundProps:"x,y"}); 

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Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] Activates one or more plugins so that TweenLite and TweenMax recognize the associated special properties.