 AutoAlphaPlugin [AS3/AS2 only, although autoAlpha is recognized inside the CSSPlugin for JavaScript] Tweening "autoAlpha" is exactly the same as tweening an object's "alpha" except that it ensures that the object's "visible" property is true until autoAlpha reaches zero at which point it will toggle the "visible" property to false.
 BevelFilterPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a BevelFilter.
 BezierPlugin Animate virtually any property (or properties) along a Bezier (curved) path which you define as an array of points/values that can be interpreted 4 different ways (described as the Bezier's "type", like type:"quadratic"): "thru" (the default) - the plugin figures out how to draw the Bezier naturally through the supplied values using a proprietary GreenSock algorithm.
 BlurFilterPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a BlurFilter.
 CacheAsBitmapPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Forces the cacheAsBitmap property of a DisplayObject to be a certain value (true or false) during the tween and then sets it back to whatever it was before the tween was rendered for the first time.
 CirclePath2DPlugin [AS3 only] Tweens an object along a CirclePath2D motion path in any direction (clockwise, counter-clockwise, or shortest).
 ColorMatrixFilterPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] ColorMatrixFilter tweening offers an easy way to tween a DisplayObject's saturation, hue, contrast, brightness, and colorization.
 ColorTransformPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Ever wanted to tween ColorTransform properties of a DisplayObject to do advanced effects like overexposing, altering the brightness or setting the percent/amount of tint? Or maybe tween individual ColorTransform properties like redMultiplier, redOffset, blueMultiplier, blueOffset, etc.
 DirectionalRotationPlugin Tweens any rotation-related property to another value in a particular direction which can be either clockwise ("_cw" suffix), counter-clockwise ("_ccw" suffix), or in the shortest direction ("_short" suffix) in which case the plugin chooses the direction based on the shortest path.
 DropShadowFilterPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a DropShadowFilter.
 DynamicPropsPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] If you'd like to tween something to a destination value that may change at any time, DynamicPropsPlugin allows you to simply associate a function with a property so that every time the tween is rendered, it calls that function to get the new destination value for the associated property.
 EndArrayPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens numbers in an Array.
 EndVectorPlugin [AS3 only] Tweens numbers in a Vector.<Number>.
 FrameBackwardPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a MovieClip backward to a particular frame number, wrapping it if/when it reaches the beginning of the timeline.
 FrameForwardPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a MovieClip forward to a particular frame number, wrapping it if/when it reaches the end of the timeline.
 FrameLabelPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a MovieClip to a particular frame label.
 FramePlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a MovieClip to a particular frame number.
 GlowFilterPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens a GlowFilter.
 HexColorsPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Although hex colors are technically numbers, if you try to tween them conventionally, you'll notice that they don't tween smoothly.
 LiquidPositionPlugin [AS3 only] If you're using LiquidStage and you'd like to tween a DisplayObject to coordinates that are relative to a particular PinPoint (like the CENTER) whose position may change at any time, LiquidPositionPlugin makes it easy by dynamically updating the destination values accordingly.
 MotionBlurPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] MotionBlurPlugin provides an easy way to apply a directional blur to a DisplayObject based on its velocity and angle of movement in 2D (x/y).
 OnChangeRatioPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] This plugin allows you to define a callback method that should be called whenever the tween's "ratio" property changes which effectively means that the tweening values changed.
 OnCompleteRenderPlugin [AS3 only] Calls a function as soon as the tween completes AND the final frame actually renders to the screen.
 Physics2DPlugin Provides simple physics functionality for tweening an Object's x and y coordinates based on a combination of velocity, angle, gravity, acceleration, accelerationAngle, and/or friction.
 PhysicsPropsPlugin Sometimes it's useful to tween a value at a particular velocity and/or acceleration without a specific end value in mind.
 Positions2DPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] This plugin allows you to define an array of Points at which the target should be positioned during the course of the tween (in order).
 QuaternionsPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Performs SLERP interpolation between 2 Quaternions.
 RemoveTintPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] [deprecated in favor of tint:null] Removes the tint of a DisplayObject over time.
 RoundPropsPlugin If you'd like the inbetween values in a tween to always get rounded to the nearest integer, use the roundProps special property.
 ScalePlugin [AS3/AS2 only] ScalePlugin combines scaleX and scaleY into one "scale" property.
 ScrambleTextPlugin Scrambles the text in a TextField with randomized characters (uppercase by default, but you can define lowercase or a set of custom characters), refreshing new randomized characters at regular intervals while gradually revealing your new text over the course of the tween (left to right).
 ScrollRectPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens the scrollRect property of a DisplayObject.
 SetActualSizePlugin [AS3 only] Some components require resizing with setActualSize() instead of standard tweens of width/height in order to scale properly.
 SetSizePlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Some components require resizing with setSize() instead of standard tweens of width/height in order to scale properly.
 ShortRotationPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] To tween any rotation property of the target object in the shortest direction, use "shortRotation" For example, if myObject.rotation is currently 170 degrees and you want to tween it to -170 degrees, a normal rotation tween would travel a total of 340 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction, but if you use shortRotation, it would travel 20 degrees in the clockwise direction instead.
 SoundTransformPlugin [AS3 only] Tweens properties of an object's soundTransform property (like the volume, pan, leftToRight, etc.
 StageQualityPlugin [AS3 only] Sets the stage's quality to a particular value during a tween and another value after the tween which can be useful for improving rendering performance in the Flash Player while things are animating.
 ThrowPropsPlugin ThrowPropsPlugin allows you to smoothly glide any property to a stop, honoring an initial velocity as well as applying optional restrictions on the end value.
 TintPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] To change a DisplayObject's tint/color, set this to the hex value of the tint you'd like to end up at (or begin at if you're using TweenMax.from()).
 TransformAroundCenterPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Normally, all transformations (scale, rotation, and position) are based on the DisplayObject's registration point (most often its upper left corner), but TransformAroundCenter allows you to make the 2D transformations occur around the DisplayObject's center.
 TransformAroundPointPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Normally, all transformations (scale, rotation, and position) are based on the DisplayObject's registration point (most often its upper left corner), but TransformAroundPoint allows you to define ANY point around which 2D transformations will occur during the tween.
 TransformMatrixPlugin [AS3/AS2 only] TransformMatrixPlugin allows you to tween a DisplayObject's transform.matrix values directly (a, b, c, d, tx, and ty) or use common properties like x, y, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, rotation and even shortRotation.
 TweenPlugin TweenPlugin is the base class for all TweenLite and TweenMax plugins, but generally isn't used directly.
 VisiblePlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Toggles the visibility at the end of a tween.
 VolumePlugin [AS3/AS2 only] Tweens the volume of an object with a soundTransform property (MovieClip/SoundChannel/NetStream, etc.).