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Returns : MatchMedia

Detailed walkthrough

Responsive, accessible animations and ScrollTriggers, here you come! 🥳 gsap.matchMedia() lets you tuck setup code into a function that only executes when a particular media query matches and then when it no longer matches, all the GSAP animations and ScrollTriggers created during that function's execution get reverted automatically! Customizing for mobile/desktop or prefers-reduced-motion accessibility is remarkably simple.

Each media query string is exactly what you'd pass into the browser's native window.matchMedia()

Basic syntax

// create
let mm = gsap.matchMedia();

// add a media query. When it matches, the associated function will run
mm.add("(min-width: 800px)", () => {

// this setup code only runs when viewport is at least 800px wide;

return () => { // optional
// custom cleanup code here (runs when it STOPS matching)

// later, if we need to revert all the animations/ScrollTriggers...

We create a mm variable for the MatchMedia so that we can add() as many media queries as we want to that one object. That way, we have a single object on which we can call revert() to instantly revert all the animations/ScrollTriggers that were created in any of the associated MatchMedia functions.

The function gets invoked whenever it becomes active (matches). So if a user resizes the browser past the breakpoint and back again multiple times, the function would get called multiple times.

.add() parameters

  1. query/conditions - a media query string like "(min-width: 800px)"-OR- a conditions object with as many arbitrarily-named query strings as you'd like; you'll be able to check the matching status of each (boolean). See below for details about the conditions syntax.
  2. handler function - the function to invoke when there's a match. All GSAP animations and ScrollTriggers created during execution of this function will be collected in the context so that they can be reverted when the MatchMedia gets reverted (like when the condition stops matching).
  3. scope [optional] - all GSAP-related selector text inside the handler function will be scoped to this Element or React Ref or Angular ElementRef. Think of it like calling querySelectorAll() on this element, so only its descendants can be selected. See below for details.

So the structure looks like:

mm.add("(min-width: 800px)", () => {...}, myElementOrRef);

Simplistic desktop/mobile example

let mm = gsap.matchMedia();

mm.add("(min-width: 800px)", () => {
// desktop setup code here...

mm.add("(max-width: 799px)", () => {
// mobile setup code here...

Conditions syntax

What if your setup code for various media queries is mostly identical but a few key values are different? If you add() each media query individually, you may end up with a lot of redundant code. Just use the conditions syntax! Instead of a string for the first parameter, use an object with arbitrarily-named conditions and then the function will get called when any of those conditions match and you can check each condition as a boolean (matching or not). The conditions object could look like this:

isDesktop: "(min-width: 800px)",
isMobile: "(max-width: 799px)",
reduceMotion: "(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)"

Name your conditions whatever you want.

Below we'll set the breakpoint at 800px wide and honor the user's prefers-reduced-motion preference, leveraging the same setup code and using conditional logic where necessary:

let mm = gsap.matchMedia(),
breakPoint = 800;

// set up any number of arbitrarily-named conditions. The function below will be called when ANY of them match.
isDesktop: `(min-width: ${breakPoint}px)`,
isMobile: `(max-width: ${breakPoint - 1}px)`,
reduceMotion: "(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)",
(context) => {
// context.conditions has a boolean property for each condition defined above indicating if it's matched or not.
let { isDesktop, isMobile, reduceMotion } = context.conditions;".box", {
rotation: isDesktop ? 360 : 180, // spin further if desktop
duration: reduceMotion ? 0 : 2, // skip to the end if prefers-reduced-motion

return () => {
// optionally return a cleanup function that will be called when none of the conditions match anymore (after having matched)
// it'll automatically call context.revert() - do NOT do that here . Only put custom cleanup code here.

Nice and concise! 🎉

It will revert and run the handler function again if/when any of the conditions toggle (it won't run again if none of them match, of course). For example, if you have three conditions and two of them match, it will run. Then if one of the matching queries STOPS matching (toggles to false), it'll revert and run the function again with updated condition values.

Notice that Context is created and passed in as the only parameter. This can be useful if you need to create event handlers or execute other code later that creates animations/ScrollTriggers which should be reverted when revert() is called on the MatchMedia.

Demo using conditional syntax


Interactivity and cleanup

The GSAP animations and ScrollTriggers created while the function is executed get recorded in the Context, but what if you set up event listeners, like for "click" events which run sometime later, after the MatchMedia function is done executing? You can add() a named function to the Context object itself so that when it runs, any animations/ScrollTriggers created in that function get collected in the Context, like:

let mm = gsap.matchMedia();

mm.add("(min-width: 800px)", (context) => {
context.add("onClick", () => {".box", { rotation: 360 }); // <- now it gets recorded in the Context

myButton.addEventListener("click", context.onClick);

return () => {
// make sure to clean up event listeners in the cleanup function!
myButton.removeEventListener("click", context.onClick);

Scoping selector text

You can optionally pass in an Element or React Ref or Angular ElementRef as the 3rd parameter and then all the selector text in the supplied function will be scoped to that particular Element/Ref (like calling querySelectorAll() on that Element/Ref).

let mm = gsap.matchMedia();

mm.add("(min-width: 800px)", () => {".box", {...}) // <- normal selector text, automatically scoped to myRefOrElement

}, myRefOrElement); // <- scope!!!

The scope can be selector text itself like ".myClass", or an Element, React Ref or Angular ElementRef.

Set a default scope when you create the MatchMedia by passing it in as the only parameter:

let mm = gsap.matchMedia(myRefOrElement);

mm.add("(min-width: 800px)", () => {

// selector text scoped to myRefOrElement".class", {...});


mm.add("(max-width: 799px)", () => {

// selector text scoped to myOtherElement".class", {...});

}, myOtherElement); // <- overrides default scope!!!

Refreshing all matches

Use gsap.matchMediaRefresh() to immediately revert all active/matching MatchMedia objects and then run any that currently match. This can be very useful if you need to accommodate a UI checkbox that toggles a reduced motion preference, for example.

Accessible animations with prefers-reduced-motion

We all love animation here, but it can make some users with vestibular disorders feel nauseous. It's important to respect their preferences and either serve up minimal animation, or no animation at all. We can tap into the prefers reduced motion media query for this

simple demo


checkbox toggle


More information in this CSS tricks article

Do I need to use gsap.context()?

Nope! Internally, gsap.matchMedia() creates a gsap.context(), so it would be redundant and completely unnecessary to use both. Think of gsap.matchMedia() like a specialized wrapper around gsap.context(). So when you call revert() on the gsap.matchMedia() object, it's the same thing as calling it on the gsap.context().


See the CodePen Collection

Mobile device doesn't seem to work?

Try adding this in your <head></head>:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

gsap.matchMedia() was added in GSAP 3.11.0.