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Format number with commas and limited decimal places

Take a number like 1000.254145 and format it into a string like "1,000.25".

// adds commas and forces 2 decimal places.
function formatNumber(value, decimals) {
let s = (+value).toLocaleString("en-US").split(".");
return decimals
? s01 + "00000000").substr(0, decimals)
: s

Then you can use it in an onUpdate:

let obj = { num: 100 };, {
num: 10500,
onUpdate: () => (myElement.innerText = "$" + formatNumber(obj.num, 2)),


I wasn't sure if you wanted to replace this file or create a new helper Jack? Thought as it's not urgent I would just partially do this so that you can give updating the docs a go?

function getFormatter(increment, pad) {
let snap = gsap.utils.snap(increment),
exp = /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,
snapWithCommas = value => (snap(+value) + "").replace(exp, ","),
whole = increment % 1 === 0,
decimals = whole ? 0 : ((increment + "").split(".")1.length;
return !pad || whole ? snapWithCommas : value => {
let s = snapWithCommas(value),
i = s.indexOf(".");
~i || (i = s.length);
return s.substr(0, i) + "." + (s.substr(i + 1, s.length - i - 1) + "00000000").substr(0, decimals);
let formatter = getFormatter(0.01, true); // increment by 0.01, always pad so that there are 2 decimal places

console.log(formatter(5000.1)); // 5,000.10